Here’s a link to an article on Parallel Cymru about the Amdani series of books written especially for learners at different levels. I found this to be really useful as I’d previously randomly tried other books and found them to be so far beyond my level it was dispiriting. A year ago I couldn’t read Am Ddwirnod. Since then I’ve managed, among others several at Mynediad level, one at Sylvaen and am currently on my second at Canolradd. I can also recommend SGWP, EFfrindiau and Ffenestri. Most importantly, I’m enjoying it because it’s not TOO much of a struggle.
You would be very welcome! Basically, I will post a link on the day and if you click on it, you will enter a videoconference. It is pretty straightforward! Look forward to seeing you.
One way of telling is that novels aimed at learners have vocabulary at the bottom of each page with the English translation. Lois Arnold’s books are great for beginners!
Diolch Jenny - that is really helpful!
For this reason @neil-pyper Neil, I’ll be stunned if you walk into the Litten Tree pub in Coventry tomorrow at some time between 6 & 7pm to see me there (I hope I can get there on time!). However if it should happen you would be most welcome.
Meeting @andyjone and possibly @mintonman and others has been an important part of my staying with the Welsh, and you may find more book club recruits. This isn’t the usual Wednesday evening, since in most months it happens on the 2nd Wednesday.
As you may enjoy a family Saturday excursion as the daylight hours extend, I think we ought to draw your attention to Saturdays at the Wyevale Garden Centre near Rugby, same instigators, but with extra Midlanders!
Finally, families who sing together, zing together, so keep a look out for participatory music events such as this Cymanfa Codi'r Tô in Coventry
Hwyl fawr!
Hi Garteth!
If you have time, I would advise browsing this Welsh Book Club thread, where you’ll find suggestions on all kinds of Welsh books for all levels of learner - there are some fabulously detailed reviews in there and I think you’ll enjoy the journey of discovery it takes you on.
Very unfortunately, I am teaching tomorrow evening. It is a shame, as I will actually be in Coventry (and am staying in an Airbnb near the university)!
Tro arall! Dw i’n falch bod gen ti Mr Chuckles fel cwmni da
I visited Carmarthen Free Books yesterday (Friday) So many book in welsh in there and 3 books are free with I think £1 each for extra ones. Wow what an array of books in Cymraeg. Highly recommended for books and all sorts of things. I think it was Lorna who recommended it. So thank you I wouldn’t have known about it otherwise and I’m down Llansteffan a lot.
I think it must have been some other Lorna, not me, @carin-harris
although I think Carmarthen is lovely! Also, I’m really glad you have found a heaven on earth, such experiences are fortifying !
It’s the sort of place I would recommend, and I think I have, but can’t find any evidence that I did. It has got a very extensive Welsh language session. I would check that they are going to be open if you’re coming from a distance as they rely on volunteers. Today they were closed because they had a very large donation yesterday which arrived just before closing time and they were two volunteers down today.
Thank you @lornarhodes @margaretnock. I know I saw a recomendation on the forum somewhere but couldn’t recall who, so thought it may have been Lorna due to the other links shared. Anyway I’m grateful, it’s a little haven of everything under the sun, I could have stayed in there for hours, well it was an hour anyway lol looking through all the books, some way too advanced for me at the moment, and some I’m hoping I can make sense of. I’ll def be popping back in as I’m down there a lot and always mooching about the town. Diolch unwaith eto.
Dw i’n darllen ‘Sgwp’ ar hyn o bryd, about page 8 so far, a dw i’n e joiso yn fawr iawn. Dw i’n ffeindio bod mae eisiau fi look up a couple of words per page but I can still get the gist, which is gwych!
Looking forward to joining the hangout discussion on Mon, Feb 24th Diolch I pawb.
Hey Neil, et al,
I love This idea and, luckily, wnes i brynu sgŵp mis Mehefin diwethaf pan oni’n yng Nghymru i ddathlu’r parti penblwydd SSIW. Nawr, amser i’w ddarllen!
So i imagine you will post info on how to join the Google hangout as the date approaches?
Diolch yn fawr am trefnu hyn!
I will - I will put the link on WSP, though will post it on here as well, in case anyone is not on WSP.
I can also put a reminder in the weekly email that week, Neil.
Diolch yn fawr iawn!
Diolch Catrin a Neil! Beth addi WSP?
Welsh Speaking Practice on Slack.
If you’re not already a member, here’s how you get involved with Slack -
to join the Welsh Practice Group on Slack, just send an email to with subject “WSP” and you’ll get an e-mail with an invitation and instructions.
This is a reminder that the first Hangout for our book club will take place on 24 February. We will talk about Sgwp! by Lois Arnold.
A number of people have asked for a later start time, so I would like to propose that we go for 8pm rather 7pm. I hope that is OK for as many of you as possible!
I look forward to seeing you on the Hangout.
All the best