New Year's Resolution - Aged Dragon's Quest!

Llongyfarchiadau, Jackie! Da iawn ti!

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I do not deserve these comments! You have not heard how terrible I sound, how many mistakes I makeā€¦but thanks, diolch yn fawr iawn i chi am eich caredigrwydd!

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Wel, 1.25 done. (Badly) 2.01 yfory!


Help @aran I like to do Challenges on my iPad. Canā€™t find how to get Level 2!!!
Edit seem to have found it in safari. May have glitch with listening practices, but ok for level 2!!

@henddraig You deserve congratulations for sticking with it! Remember when I said you could be done with Level 1 by the end of January? You did it!

You are using the app, right? Go to the Choose screen (by tapping the second icon at the bottom of the screen). You should see Level 1 with all the little numbered boxes you tap to choose a particular challenge. Put your finger on the green bar at the top that says Level 1 and swipe it to the left. This should take you to the Level 2 page. Swiping across (left or right) on the top bar is how you switch between the different Levels and Courses. Hope that helps!


Diolch @AnnaC I found out how to get Level 2 almost by accident! To @Kinetic Is there any way to give a hint on the top bar? Just in case anyone else is as thick as me!
Oh, Anna, well, sticking I have managed, Iā€™ll give you that, by not aiming for anywhere approaching accuracy, certainly not perfection!


Glad you figured it out :slight_smile: There is some helpful information if you tap Info in the bottom bar, regarding navigation and other useful things. @lewie is the iOS app developer.

Iā€™m not accurate or perfect either! Remember what Aran tells us - mistakes are how we learn. I have to remind myself of that when I start to get frustrated because I can be a perfectionist myself :slight_smile: I remember him saying somewhere that even a first language speaker would not get a lesson 100% correct.


Llongyfarchiadau! Congratulations on finishing Level 1, with however many broken teacups, de-isms, mistakes, or other wrinkles!


The neat bit is, when you get to Skype you will notice other peoples mistakes (alternate phrases) and realise you can get by in Welsh.

Cheers J.P.


So, when I get around to learning to Skype, I need to chat to you as well as @Pete2!!!


Oh, @aran, bone to pick! Maen nhw -you say maen nw. Lucky for me @CatrinLliarJones does not have naughty habit of losing 'ā€˜hā€™! I was confused at first, as I knew ā€˜theyā€™ from way back!
Finding a lot hard to say, but finished 2.01 with loads and loads of errors!
Oh, and I felt quite guilty at the relish in my voice at the start when I repeated that I donā€™t want your children!
Ps this was caught in mid-edit and replied to by @aran, such efficiency!

Yes, this is normal usage. If Catrin is saying her Hs there, itā€™s because the microphone is still making her feel as though she were in a pulpit. :slight_smile:

Well done on the errorsā€¦ :slight_smile:


Well pete is moving ahead of me in speaking welsh which is great, you could speak to me as well or one to one to start.
Or you could be a surprise guest on the group call ! Tatjanaā€™s laugh keeps it light, and when you here so many people from so many countries using welsh to communicate : what can i say really, iā€™m just constantly impressed (and itā€™s fun).

Cheers J.P.


To @netmouse! This kind lady politely sent me a PM to show me I had got quite the wrong word for Resolution. She suggested ā€˜Dragonā€™s Questā€™ and I grabbed it and ran, metaphorically, as running is no longer among my actvities! So, thanks are due to @netmouse for new title and Iā€™ll take the last two words off in a day or two!


Oh dear, feeling terribly pedantic, non-correction policy and so onā€¦ Hope it was ok! :fearful:

Anyway, a million congrats to the @henddraig on the ongoing quest!


When you do, perhaps you can take out the extra ā€œOā€ out of ā€œDraOgonā€™s Questā€ā€¦ unless thatā€™s the egg thatā€™s going to hatch into a fluent Welsh-speaking Dragon :slight_smile:

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Ouch! Nasty IPad. Makes typing very hard! Correction done! Will finish tidying on Wednesday!

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I know the feeling!

Full of errors, but 2.02 done!