Linda asks if we might start a little later. Would 1pm be OK for you @chris-roberts @hannah-26 and any others who might be interested?
: Please note that we’re now planning to meet up for this walk at 1.30pm instead of 12
A good walk+sgwrs yesterday - diolch i @chris-roberts @hannah-26 Linda, Clive & Stephanie . Still a bit early for autumn colour, but maybe there’ll be more next Saturday, 23rd Oct, when we have another walk+sgwrs. I’ll post the details later in the week - route suggestions welcome!
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Just to confirm tomorrow’s walk+sgwrs will be postponed now to next month
… and with that in mind here’s November’s walk+sgrs Doodle poll for you to complete (you can indicate possible/maybe by double clicking an you can edit your dates at any time later if you need to ):
Helo bawb - we’re planning to restart our walks+sgwrs this month. All welcome! - you don’t need to have taken part in any Oxford group meetups. This previous post gives you an idea of what to expect.
If you think you might be interested just indicate on this Doodle poll which dates you think you can/may be able to make, diolch!:
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Diolch yn fawr to those of you who’ve completed the January Doodle poll. We’ll be having two walks this month, one on Sunday 30th Jan, followed by one the next day on Monday 31st Jan. We’ll be posting route details in a few days time - in the meantime, do let me know if you have any suggestions or questions.
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Helo bawb - here’s what we’re planning for January’s walks+sgwrs - all welcome, as always. Provisionally we’ll be meeting up at midday but the time can be adjusted if that makes it easier for someone to join us - let me know if that’s the case
- Sun 30th Jan: we’ll be going to BBOWT’s Sydlings Copse Nature Reserve, meeting up just inside the zebra crossing entrance to Bury Knowle Park, Headington (may be muddy in places)
- Mon 31st Jan: we’ll be going to Hinksey Heights Nature Trail meeting up at the far end of the car park in Hinksey Park, off Abingdon Road.
Get in touch if you have any questions
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
PS There’s a web page for Hinksey Park and for info about parking near Hinksey Park, see Alan’s helpful post last year:
PPS And here’s a map of the Sydlings Copse walk:
Calling Robhughes5000@!
You completed the Doodle poll saying you could come to the walk on Sunday 30th Jan but there doesn’t seem to be a way of contacting you via Doodle and I don’t seem to be able to find you on the forum. If you see this, are you planning to join us on Sunday?
Mon 31st Jan: For anyone thinking of joining the walk on Monday we’ll now be meeting up at 1.30pm
Just to let everyone know that we’ve decided to postpone Sunday’s (30th) walk to another time.
Our walk on Monday 31st is definitely going ahead, though!
After a very enjoyable walk+sgwrs to end the month there’s a new Doodle poll to help us settle on dates for walks in February:
As usual if you’re not certain if you can make a particular date, double click on the box to indicate ‘maybe’. Do get in touch if you have any questions
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Thanks for posting the photos, Chris. What did your phone say the fungus was? I thought maybe Trametes versicolor (turkeytail) bur probably wrong.
Yes, it was a very interesting walk.
Diolch Chris - how about posting these pics on the What’s outside thread as well? They’re worth seeing!
My phone initially thought the fungus was something with a long latin name but when I checked again at home it decided it was turkeytail, and the pictures did look quite similar, so you may well be right Sue. I’ll stick them on “What’s outside” as well John.
Not many have completed the February Doodle poll so far but, at the moment, it looks like Sun 13th Feb is going to be the best day for our next walk although the weather forecast at the moment is a bit iffy. There’ll be confirmation or otherwise later in the week, but in the meantime do let me know if you’re thinking of joining us
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Unfortunately, heavy rain is forecast for Sun 13th Feb, so we’re going to have to think about another date later in the month, or maybe in March
Helo bawb - if you think you may be interested in joining a walk+sgwrs (both English & Cymraeg) could I ask you to indicate for me in this Doodle poll which dates in March you will (one click), or may be (two clicks) able to join us:, diolch yn fawr!
Starting points, routes and distances are tailored to whoever may be joining the walk. And, as always, partners and plantos welcome, as long as they don’t mind some of the sgwrs being in Welsh of course
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
I walked in the Radley woods today. The wood anemones are everywhere and the bluebells will be flowering before too long. We went there last year - or was it the year before?
I have a different suggestion though. We have a new permissive path from Lower Radley to Radley Lakes. Locals have been walking that way for decades, but now we are allowed! Even better, the Ramblers have cleared the path so that it is currently possible to go through without using secateurs. There is still mud though, and there is a large puddle under the railway bridge. One possibility is to do a circuit round one of the filled lakes and come back the same way. Another longer route comes back by the Thames to Lower Radley.
I haven’t put Sundays on the Doodle poll because I am working in the shop all morning and am not free until about 2pm. I could walk from Radley at 2pm though.
Anyone interested?
Thanks for the suggestion Sue. I’m up for it in theory, although my availability isn’t great at the moment.