Oxford walks

I walked in the Radley woods today. The wood anemones are everywhere and the bluebells will be flowering before too long. We went there last year - or was it the year before?

I have a different suggestion though. We have a new permissive path from Lower Radley to Radley Lakes. Locals have been walking that way for decades, but now we are allowed! Even better, the Ramblers have cleared the path so that it is currently possible to go through without using secateurs. There is still mud though, and there is a large puddle under the railway bridge. One possibility is to do a circuit round one of the filled lakes and come back the same way. Another longer route comes back by the Thames to Lower Radley.

I haven’t put Sundays on the Doodle poll because I am working in the shop all morning and am not free until about 2pm. I could walk from Radley at 2pm though.
Anyone interested?


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Thanks for the suggestion Sue. I’m up for it in theory, although my availability isn’t great at the moment.

No rush. Maybe later in the year.

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Sorry for my quietness recently. The new job is a bit more full on than the last one. The old one I had it easy!!
Liam is doing skiing lessons Saturday afternoons with his dad so I’m free for a change. Are we doing an April poll. I might actually get some ticks in boxes this month!


Dim probs, Ruth! Yes, a new poll’s coming - just been a bit slow in setting it up this time, felly diolch I rhoi hwb i mi ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Here’s the new poll April walks+sgwrs Doodle - unfortunately they seem to have dropped the ‘Month view’, for the time being at least, so it might look a bit odd, but it’s still 1 click for ‘Yes’, 2 clicks for ‘Maybe’ (you might perhaps have to click on ‘Edit Your Selection’ before you’ve had a chance to make any selection… Anyone know of a good alternative to Doodle? :slightly_frowning_face:)

PS Let me know if there are any problems…

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I have to admit that this has me beaten. I can’t find how to put my days in. I found a place where I could apologise for not attending…

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Using a browser on a PC the view seems to change according to window size. A narrower window (or on a tablet) seems to result in a vertically arranged series of tick boxes, but a wider window changes it to a horizontally arranged series of coloured rectangles which need to be clicked on, in the same way as with the tick boxes. Hope this makes sense! And that it helps…

I managed to get it to work on the second attempt. I seem to have more availability this month.

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I see - you don’t get a row each.

Saturdays 16th and 23rd April look like the best candidates for walks. Anyone apart from ‘Doodlers’ who could make these dates? :slightly_smiling_face:

Do join us this Saturday, 16th April, for a walk+sgwrs from Water Eaton Park & Ride to Islip and back. We’ll be meeting up at 2pm outside the Oxford Parkway Rail Station entrance in the P&R.
The route’s marked in purple dots on this map

I have just found this thread!! Hiking and learning Welsh are two of my favourite recreational activities, (I’m mid SSiW level 2)… so I’m delighted to have found this thread as an Oxford resident!
I can’t make the 16th or 22nd sadly but look forward to trying to join another day soon.


That’s great @linden - we’ll be looking forward to you joining us soon. Don’t forget, by the way, to keep an eye out for the Doodle poll coming along soon(-ish :roll_eyes:) to help us choose dates for next month’s walks.

Hello @linden, good to hear from you. Have you found our other thread? We also have weekly “live” meetings and meetings on Zoom.

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Diolch @ruth-connor & Linda for our enjoyable walk yesterday to Islip and back.

For the next walks+sgwrs on Sat 23 April, we’ll be heading to Wytham Wood - details to follow later.

Meanwhile, here’s the promised link to to the date selection Doodle for May: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/egJk37rd - do get in touch if you have any questions :slightly_smiling_face:
Hwyl am y tro

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I hope the three of you had a good time. Meanwhile Carol and I looked at fritillaries in Iffley Meadow and bluebells in Radley Large Wood.

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I had a lovely time. Diolch @johnwilliams_6 and Linda. It may take a few days for my legs to recover. I haven’t walked so far for ages!

Sounds like a really nice day @Betterlatethan we were so lucky with the weather.


For our Wytham Wood walk+ sgwrs this Saturday 23rd April we’ll be meeting up at 2pm in the Wytham Wood car park, above Wytham village (turn off by the White Hart towards the church and shortly taking the right turn along the narrow lane leading to the car park). My permit for Wytham Woods limits us to six people in total but we still have a couple of places left so do let me know if you’d like to join us or if you have any questions


Another Wytham Wood walk+sgwrs is planned, date depending on who’s interested, but it would need to be quite soon to see the incredible carpets of bluebells there. Get in touch if you think you might be interested.
PS Transport could be arranged if needed