Helo bawb - it’s back to the usual pattern for this week’s meetups:
- 12:00 Tuesday 8th March / dydd Mawrth 8fed Mawrth (via Zoom)
- 12:00 Friday 11th March / dydd Gwener 11feg Mawrth (Weston Library Cafe, Broad Street)
Do get in touch if you should need Zoom login details or have any questions 
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Another event at Jesus College, this Wednesday evening at 5.30:
‘The Celtic Cross is a cross-cultural celebration of Wales and Ireland founded in 1984. There will be readings, musical performances and a talk by Professor David Willis, Jesus College Chair of Celtic. All are welcome.’
(Unfortunately I have a prior engagement elsewhere in College!)
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Helo eto - meetups same as usual next week. All welcome, especially newcomers - get in touch if you’ve any questions or need Zoom login details 
- 12:00 Tuesday 15th March / dydd Mawrth 15fed Mawrth (via Zoom)
- 12:00 Friday 18th March / dydd Gwener 18fed Mawrth (Weston Library Cafe, Broad Street, Oxford)
Hwyl a chadw.n saff
Helo eto - here are this week’s meetups: 
- 12:00 Tuesday 22nd March / dydd Mawrth 22ain Mawrth (via Zoom)
12:00 Friday 25th March / dydd Gwener 25ain Mawrth (Weston Library Cafe, Broad Street, Oxford - NB Last Friday, turned out that the library cafe was closed for a special event, so we headed to the King’s Arms across the road - many apologies if anyone had a wasted journey
The King’s Arms will be the Plan B venue for future Friday meetups should the library cafe be closed)
Do let me know if you need the Zoom login details 
Hwyl a chadwn saff
Helo eto - it’s the same as last week for this week’s meetups
12:00 Tuesday 29th March / dydd Mawrth 29ain Mawrth (via Zoom - let me know if you need the login details )
12:00 Friday 1st April / dydd Gwener 1af Ebrill (Weston Library Cafe, Broad Street, Oxford)
Newcomers always welcome! 
Hwyl a chadwn saff
Helo bawb - it’ll be the usual schedule for this week’s meetups
12:00 Tuesday 5th April / dydd Mawrth 5ed Ebrill (via Zoom - let me know if you need the login details )
12:00 Friday 8th April / dydd Gwener 8ed Ebrill (Weston Library Cafe, Broad Street, Oxford )
Get in touch if you have any questions 
Hwyl a chadwn saff
PS There’s a new Doodle poll to choose dates for this month’s walks 

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Helo bawb - this week it’s the school holidays so probably lots of families visiting Oxford which makes it quite possible that the library cafe will be full to bursting on Good Friday. If we find that it is will head to the King’s Arms across the road for our meetup that day.
12:00 Tuesday 12th April / dydd Mawrth 12ed Ebrill (via Zoom - let me know if you need the login details )
12:00 Good Friday 15th April / dydd Gwener y Groglith 15ed Ebrill (Weston Library Cafe, Broad Street, Oxford OR King’s Arms if full )
Also, if you’d like to join us for a walk+sgwrs, don’t forget to complete the new April Doodle poll 
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Helo eto - same pattern as usual for this week’s meetups:
12:00 Tuesday 19th April / dydd Mawrth 19eg Ebrill (via Zoom - get in touch if you’d like the login details )
12:00 Friday 22nd April / dydd Gwener 22ain Ebrill (Weston Library Cafe, Broad Street, Oxford (King’s Arms, across the road if full) )
There’s also another walk+sgwrs on Sat 23rd (see Oxford walks thread where there’s also a link to the May Doodle poll)
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
PS Do get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions 
Helo bawb - the last week in April already, and another couple of meetups, one virtual and one face to face/wyneb i wyneb :
12:00 Tuesday 26th April / dydd Mawrth 26ain Ebrill (via Zoom - get in touch if you need the login details )
12:00 Friday 29th April / dydd Gwener 29ain Ebrill (Weston Library Cafe , Broad Street, Oxford (King’s Arms, across the road if full) )
Also don’t forget the Oxford walks thread which includes the May Doodle poll which helps us choose the best dates for our walks+sgwrs
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Helo bawb - same meetup schedule as usual for the first week in May (but is there anyone out there who hasn’t been able to join us yet because days/times don’t work for you - do please let me know if that’s the case
12:00 Tuesday 3rd May / dydd Mawrth 3edd Mai (via Zoom - contact me for login details )
12:00 Friday 6th May / dydd Gwener 6ed Mai (Weston Library Cafe , Broad Street, Oxford (King’s Arms, just across the road if full) )
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
I’m never quite sure where to post these things but I notice that Marian Brosschott has revived the Easy Welsh youtube channel:
I find it quite a useful format with full·speed, natural-sounding interviews with bilingual subtitles.
(The format also exists for lots of other languages if anyone’s interested.)
How about posting it in this thread too so that those who wouldn’t normally read posts here on the Oxford group thread would see it -
Helo bawb - just to confirm it’s the same meetup plan this week as last (but to reiterate last week’s plea 
if you haven’t been able to join us yet because days/times aren’t convenient, do please let me know!)
12:00 Tuesday 10th May / dydd Mawrth 10fed Mai (via Zoom - contact me for login details )
12:00 Friday 13th May / dydd Gwener 13eg Mai (Weston Library Cafe , Broad Street, Oxford (King’s Arms, just across the road if full) )
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Helo bawb - as usual we’ll meetup via Zoom on Tuesday and in person on Friday. There’s a slight change on Friday though as, thanks to Neil Stevenson, the Weston Library’s Public Engagement Manager (ac ei wraig @anna-haywood
), we can now meet up in the Space for Reading, the window area to the right of the main Weston Library entrance (opposite side to the cafe).There are sofas, chairs and a large circular table and we’re allowed to bring refreshments from the cafe.
12:00 Tuesday 17th May / dydd Mawrth 17eg Mai (via Zoom - contact me for login details )
12:00 Friday 20th May / dydd Gwener 20fed Mai (Space for Reading [opposite cafe], Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford)
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Bethan and I tried the new venue in the Weston Library (and Helen Cook from the Bodleian came to say hello). I think it’s an improvement - comfy sofas and much less ambient noise than in the café.
One question that came up, out of curiosity - have any of you tried Welsh-language audiobooks?
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Glad the new location worked.
Re Audiobooks. I haven’t but for those that like a good kiddie book here is a free link https://drefwen.com/pages/free-welsh-audio-books
Helo bawb - the end of May and the beginning of June this week, but we’ll be carrying on with the current pattern of meetups:
12:00 Tuesday 31st May / dydd Mawrth 31ain Mai (via Zoom - contact me for login details )
12:00 Friday 3rd June / dydd Gwener 3edd Mehefin (Space for Reading [opp. side of entrance hall from the cafe], Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford)
Last week in Nant G I learnt that it’s possible to get some audiobooks in Welsh via BorrowBox and by all accounts it works very well 

Hwyl a chadw’n saff
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I’ve just tried that BorrowBox app but it asked me to enter my local library ID. I could search for my local library, but it didn’t recognise mine here. I wondered if it was just for the UK, but it did suggest an Australian library, so perhaps not.
If someone could start a separate thread for it and give information about it in the General section, then I’ll be able to include it in the newsletter. It looks very useful and we often get people asking about audiobooks in Welsh.
Helo eto - same plan again as last week. The Weston Library’s ‘Space for Reading’ works very well as a venue for Friday meetups. There might be one or two other people there, but the hour from 12 noon to 1pm has kindly been booked for us by the Library so, within that hour, we can chatter away as much - or as little
- as we like. Do let me know if you have any questions or comments.
12:00 Tuesday 7th June / dydd Mawrth 7ed Mehefin (via Zoom - contact me for login details )
12:00 Friday 10th June / dydd Gwener 10ed Mehefin (Weston Library Space for Reading [booked for us by the Library - by windows, opp. side of entrance hall from the cafe], Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford)
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
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