Post Cyntaf chwillio am siaradwyr yn Northants

Bore da i bawb
Glynn dw i , ces i fy’ ngeni yn Northampton yn y canolbarth o lleogr yn 1954. blyddyn dda! Roedd fy nhad o Cwm ar byws Glyn Ebbw. 1918 a fy mam wedi dod o Brixworth yn Sir Northants. Dw i’n hanner brid! ond mae angerdd yn llawn Cymraeg. Dw i’n wedi dysgu Cymraeg dros flynyddoed bob tro yn unig. Eleni, cwrs mynediad ar lein y Nant. Y dau fis diwethaf gyda SSIW, Rhan 1 rhif 9 rwan ac dw i’n dysgu llawer. Chwillio am siaradwyr Cymraeg yn y ardal. Northants.
Diolch yn fawr iawn.
mean ddrwg geni os nad dyma’r safle cywir.

Sorry, just found the map, looks useful.

This thread Coventry meetup, looking for additional dates and venues is pre-covid but might be useful as it mentions Northants - I’m tagging @andyjone and @mintonman in case they can advise on what might be happening these days.

Hi @siaronjames, I can tell you what’s happening in Coventry these days - this thread has the details.

We are still meeting face to face as both our venues are outside.


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This thread always has the latest information on Meetups that I’m aware of - Post-Pandemic Meetups - with links to the various meetup threads, though I’m not always aware of changes if they get posted in different places and I’m not tagged.

@glynnhughes2002 llongyfarchiadau am dy Gymraeg, ond mae’n well os ti’n sgwennu cyfieithiad yn Saesneg hefyd ar gyfer y pobl sy’n dysgu gyda SSiW a ddim wedi dechrau darllen Cymraeg eto.
Congratulations on your Welsh, but it’s better if you write a translation in English as well for the people who are learning with SSiW and haven’t started to read Welsh yet.

Diolch yn fawr!! I hope you find some contacts.