I see - you don’t get a row each.
Saturdays 16th and 23rd April look like the best candidates for walks. Anyone apart from ‘Doodlers’ who could make these dates?
Do join us this Saturday, 16th April, for a walk+sgwrs from Water Eaton Park & Ride to Islip and back. We’ll be meeting up at 2pm outside the Oxford Parkway Rail Station entrance in the P&R.
The route’s marked in purple dots on this map
I have just found this thread!! Hiking and learning Welsh are two of my favourite recreational activities, (I’m mid SSiW level 2)… so I’m delighted to have found this thread as an Oxford resident!
I can’t make the 16th or 22nd sadly but look forward to trying to join another day soon.
That’s great @linden - we’ll be looking forward to you joining us soon. Don’t forget, by the way, to keep an eye out for the Doodle poll coming along soon(-ish ) to help us choose dates for next month’s walks.
Hello @linden, good to hear from you. Have you found our other thread? We also have weekly “live” meetings and meetings on Zoom.
Diolch @ruth-connor & Linda for our enjoyable walk yesterday to Islip and back.
For the next walks+sgwrs on Sat 23 April, we’ll be heading to Wytham Wood - details to follow later.
Meanwhile, here’s the promised link to to the date selection Doodle for May: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/egJk37rd - do get in touch if you have any questions
Hwyl am y tro
I hope the three of you had a good time. Meanwhile Carol and I looked at fritillaries in Iffley Meadow and bluebells in Radley Large Wood.
I had a lovely time. Diolch @johnwilliams_6 and Linda. It may take a few days for my legs to recover. I haven’t walked so far for ages!
Sounds like a really nice day @Betterlatethan we were so lucky with the weather.
For our Wytham Wood walk+ sgwrs this Saturday 23rd April we’ll be meeting up at 2pm in the Wytham Wood car park, above Wytham village (turn off by the White Hart towards the church and shortly taking the right turn along the narrow lane leading to the car park). My permit for Wytham Woods limits us to six people in total but we still have a couple of places left so do let me know if you’d like to join us or if you have any questions
Another Wytham Wood walk+sgwrs is planned, date depending on who’s interested, but it would need to be quite soon to see the incredible carpets of bluebells there. Get in touch if you think you might be interested.
PS Transport could be arranged if needed
Date narrowed down now to Sun 8th or Mon 9th May. Let me know if you’d like to join us on either of these dates
If you’re fortunate enough to have tomorrow afternoon free, Mon 9 May, do join us for another Wytham Wood walk+sgwrs (details same as April 22 post above)
Helo bawb - June already and, for those of you interested in joining us for a walk+sgwrs, there’s a new Doodle poll where you can indicate which dates you might be free to join us: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e986XQPd (as usual, it’s one click for dates you think you can make it or two clicks if your not sure yet).
And just to repeat a post from while back post on this thread…
Do get in touch if you have any questions
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Helo bawb - first,my apologies for the lack of recently.
Now that summer holidays are fast approaching and some of you away from home or at home with plantos, are any of you nonetheless still be interested in having a walk+sgwrs or two over the holiday period (it could be with non-Welsh speaking partners and/or kids if that makes it easier for you)?
Let me know or if you’ve any questions.
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
No apology needed!
My availability is still very limited, but the offer of 2pm from Radley on a Sunday is still open. 17, 24, 31 July anyone?
Best not 17th - much too hot.
It’s a while now since our last walk+sgwrs
Would anyone be interested in a walk+*sgwrs *on Sat 24/Sun 25 Sept?
Friends/families/partners all welcome whether or not they have any Welsh, just as long as they’re happy for some of our chat to be in Welsh
Or this Saturday 1st October?
Helo bawb - we’re hoping to arrange another walk+sgwrs on one of the next four Saturday afternoons, i.e. 22nd, 29th Oct, 5th, 12th Nov or possibly on Thursday 27th Oct, 3rd Nov or 10th Nov. If you’re free on one of these days and would like to join us, or have any questions, do get in touch