Tiny questions with quick answers - continuing thread

Looks good to me, depends how informal you want to be. You can drop the 'i and just have ddeud too, because ei is implied in the soft mutation.

I notice on challenge 11, level 2 that dau is softened to ddau in the following sentence, but I can’t see why, as it doesn’t seem to follow any rule I can find. Can someone explain, thanks:

Wnest ti wylio’r ddau fachgen yn darllen?

According to Gareth King’s dictionary, “Both forms this numeral [dau or dwy] not only cause soft mutation of a following noun but also themselves undergo soft mutation when preceded by the definite article: y ddau, y ddwy …”

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Lovely, thanks Sioned.

Whoops, no excuses for not spelling your name properly. Thanks Sionned.

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I’m nearly at the end of Deep End. But that’s a lie really!

I’m a few weeks behind with little chance of finishing until Christmas - Nadolig.

Will the course still show when I login for a while after I should have finished the course?

(BTW - I love SSIW. As an Englishman now living in South Wales I almost feel like an adopted native. I greet everyone in welsh to find out if they speak welsh. And if they do I get some free practice.)


I searched because I felt sure this must have been asked previously, but I found nothing:

For the future tense, when does one choose to use gwneud as the auxiliary and when to use bod?

I’m slightly clearer with the past tense, although not a lot. At least with that there are some parallels with the English past tense formed with “I did…(do something)…”


I think that as with the past, the future aspects of gwneud fit in with an action or mental action (intention, remembrance, etc), also for the polite “will you?”. I think that you can use the future forms of Bod (shall/will, etc) for situations and actions. So there is some room for overlap and choice.

The people I speak to most use gwneud all the time for actions.
“Ydy fy siaced yn y car?”
“Na i edrych”

Then wherever it’s “will be” in English they use bod.

“Fyddi di’n dod draw heno 'ma?”

Rough rule of thumb for you that we use :blush:


Depends on what’s being asked. I tend to hear “gei di?” If you’re asking someone to do/get something. Or “nei di”

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Ultra polite, as introduced in the old course I think, would be something like “Oes modd i ti/chi …”. I say ultra polite, just more polite maybe. :grinning:

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Slight aside, (but it wouldn’t be the forum without one would it? :joy:) what makes a question polite? I’m ultrasensitive to the omission of the word please but also, I know that questions can be polite without a please and rude with a please, depending on tone. But are Welsh ears needing plis/osgdd as much as my English ears? With “ga i lwy?” is the plis noticeable when omitted?

(this conversation has come out of trying to teach a 3 year old to use please)


I’ve noticed that on road signs such as “Please drive carefully”, the Welsh “please” seems to be omitted and you have just “Gyrrwch yn ofalus”. Perhaps the “please” is implied by the use of “Gyrrwch” over “Gyrra”? Or maybe that’s simply because the signs are addressing multiple people! I don’t know. Struck me as odd, but I guess it’s perfectly normal.

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As you say, gyrrwch addresses all drivers. Gyrra isn’t necessarily less polite. I wouldn’t use -wch over -a with a close friend or child and I wouldn’t be any less polite to them in English either.

Yes, implied I’d say as its known as the polite form. Other than that @AnthonyCusack yes, in my limited experience, I’d say other forms generally have the plis tagged on. I noticed Plis, Diolch and Sori in exactly the same measure as English. I’m not aware that the language itself has any bearing on when or where to use the pleasantries.

Another question (blame the online eisteddfod!): how does one say “There is something that I like…”?

Mae rhywbeth dw i’n hoffi…
Mae rhywbeth bo’ fi’n hoffi…

and is it the same if rhywbeth is replaced by something specific:

Mae siop bo’ fi’n hoffi…

It’s that subordinate clause bit that I find confusing.

(Also, how do you say something is called something? Mae e’n galw… would be “He is calling…” rather than “He is called…”, wouldn’t it?)

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It is this option that gives you the ‘that I’ and therefore the linkage between the two halves of the sentence and the rhwybeth can be anything you want, as it were.

Yes it would

…if something has that standalone past tense in the English verb in a sentence which is otherwise present…it’s passive and you can get to the Welsh by switching the English so that the subject is ‘having’ the verb done to it - then translating to Welsh…

So…”He is called”…becomes…“He is having his calling”…

Mae fe’n cael ei (g)alw…

Hopefully that makes some sort of sense! :smile:

Rich :slight_smile:


It makes much sense, thanks @rich. I’ve encountered that construct before, but am never quite sure how and when to use it.

there’s a soft mutation in there too because he’s masculine: cael ei alw

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Was thinking about this, I’d probably say “ei enw ydy/yw…” rather than he is called, his name is

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