Tiny questions with quick answers - continuing thread

Hi Joe,

We too have that on repeat a lot! After y feminine nouns undergo a soft mutation. So coeden here is a feminine noun.

Hope that helps


A tree is feminine so mutates after the definite article. Masculine things don’t.

Y ci (masc.)
Y gath (fem.)


Perfect, thanks both. Forgot gendered nouns were a thing in Welsh, will do some reading up!


Shwmae! I’ve noticed in the advanced content that ‘wrach’ is used a lot, and it seems to be another way of saying maybe or might.

Can anyone confirm and is there any background on this usage? Is that a slangy spelling? I’m having such a hard time finding it in any dictionary aside from the mutated ‘gwrach’ for witch :woman_mage:t3:

You’ve got it right, it’s another way to say “maybe” or “perhaps”. The dictionary spelling is hwyrach, but wrach more closely matches how people usually pronounce it.


Not to be confused, of course, with gwrach - which means witch, hag, or old woman. Like me. :wink:

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Is there a way to give a “like” to this posting with the exception of the last two words? :blush:


Diolch yn fawr iawn! :black_flag:󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿:heart:


I’m sure this has been asked and answered already, but I can’t find the answer using search function so apologies for asking again.

Where would someone who has completed Lvl 2 or Lvl 3 of SSiW join the LearnWelsh courses?

There’s the Cymraeg i Oedolion / Welsh for Adults site with links to the different regions and a wide variety of courses.

This thread might give you more of an idea if you’re thinking about different levels:

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People also say ‘dotio ar rywbeth’ (to dote on something - meaning you really like it)

On the ‘weekly welsh challenge’ site, it has ‘I can’ as Dw i’n gallu, we say Mi fedra’, is this just different ways of saying the same thing, or is one said more in certain areas?

yes, they’re different ways of saying the same thing. I think Gallu tends to be used more by Southerners and Medru by Northerners - but it’s just a matter of preference really.

Diolch Siaron.

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I am currently on Level 2, Challenge 20 and at around 6 minutes in, the sentence is:

“You said that you thought it was fairly good”.

What I hear is: Ddudest ti bo’ ti’n meddwl fod o’n eitha da.

My question is why aren’t bod and fod the other way around, i.e. why doesn’t fod follow on from ddudest ti and bod follow meddwl? I think we began with “ddudest ti bo’……” in level 1 but now I’m more familiar with mutations, it doesn’t seem to fit.

To be totally technically grammatically correct, it would be Dwedaist ti dy fod ti’n meddwl fod o’n eitha da.
Both ‘bods’ would mutate, the first because it follows dy and the second because, if you remove the middle clause, it follows a preterite form verb (dwedaist ti fod o’n…). However, in spoken Welsh, the rules are much more relaxed and bo ti is widely used (and dwedaist also ‘slackens’ which is how it ends up as ddudest)

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Hi, been having trouble posting in Slack. I post but people cannot see it.
I posted a video just now with a paragraph in Welsh in the general-chat section of Welsh-Practice.
Can you please tell me if you see it or not?
I might have to contact Slack to get help with my settings. Thanks!

I can see the post Jen, it’s working fine.

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Thank you.