Volunteer '5 Minute' Listeners

@ionaclare Mi fedra i siarad efo chdi. Ond, dw i dod o Sealand Newydd. I can speak with you, if you like via Skype, if you don’t mind Skype. My email is bronwenjnz@gmail.com, and my skype address is bronjones2. Your morning would be my evening.

Hi, I’ve just reached lesson 20, learning south wales, do you want to chat? I would like someone to practice my 5 sentences with (and you are another Clare with no ‘i’!)
I’m in San Francisco so I could do anytime after 4pm your time.

Hello again, I’ve just reached lesson 20, learning south wales, do you want someone else to practice your five sentences with or did you do it already? It would be nice to chat with someone else who is going to the Bwtcamp
I’m in San Francisco on PST

Hi Clare. I would love to chat to you and hear your sentences. I think its best to do it via Slack so perhaps direct message me on Slack and will try to do the same and we can fix up a time perhaps this weekend to do some sgwrsio!

Could anyone listen to me please. I live in Macclesfield and can’t find a local welsh speaker.

Diolch, Dw i’n dod o Llandeilo ond dw i wedi byw yn Lloegr am tri deg blwyddyn.

John (Robert John Stephens)

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If you’d like to join the free Welsh Speaking Practice group online, just send an email to admin@saysomethingin.com with WSP as the subject.

Here’s what one Welsh learner has to say about it:


Hiya, @clare-s-simmons - shall we tee up a time to chat? My email is bronwenjnz at gmail . com. On Skype, I’m bronjones2. Hwyl.

Yes, sounds good.I can do 1pm PST friday 3rd, which would be morning saturday 4th for you. Or later today monday 29th which would be tuesday morning for you.
Let me know

Either good. I’m around this morning and afternoon my time . And Sat am my time. Name your time PST and I will be there on Skype.

@clare-s-simmons - I’ve also messaged you in Slack. I find this site unwieldy, and it’s easier to communicate in Slack. Or on email. I get lost here on SSiW.

Hi, anyone with 5 mins to spare? Am challenge 20, level 1. Diolch!

Is anyone available around 7.30pm tomorrow (Monday) for a video chat on Slack or Skype while I go through my practice sentences. I’m at Level 1, Challenge 20 (North). I’m also happy to listen to someone else’s sentences.

Hello Daz
I would like to listen to you if you want. I’m on Slack, but if you prefer Skype, I’ll tell you my name for Skype.

Hello Brigitte. Happy to do it on Slack. I’ll send a 1 to 1 request at 7.30pm tomorrow. Thank you.

Hello Daz
you live in Uk, right? So you will call at 20.30 CET?

Ah yes. I’ll call at 19.30 BST so I believe that would be 20.30 CET

My name on Slack is, like here, Brigitte. I’ll be online on Slack, if not, please wait for 5 or 10 minutes. Our granddaughter will stay with us, normally she sleeps by 20.30 but, you know, sometimes…

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I fully understand :grinning:

Would love to speak wit somone for 5 mins. Am on challenge 13’

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Hello - am just past challenge 19 and need a willing volunteer/victim to listen to my daily practice 13 sentences. I’m on Slack under the same name!